Hi! I'm a Second Life resident. My rez date was 31-Aug-2009. I started off in Second Life as a camper meaning I would hang out on land that paid a few Linden per hour just so they would rank higher in the search engines. Then I discovered money trees and became primarily a money tree picker. Again, this is a way to drive traffic to your Second Life parcel so as to rank higher in search listings but, if one is aggressive, pays better than camping. Also, you get to see a lot of sites and explore a lot more than camping.
I met a really nice girl and she introduced me to the club owners where she worked as a dancer. They hired me and I began my second life as a "dancer" working for 85% of my tips at Club Seduction. I really enjoyed meeting and chatting and playing around with all the other dancers plus the club allowed the dancers to work whenever they wanted so this lasted a while. One of the other dancers there took me under her wing and helped me improve my avatar looks and accessories. I gradually evolved from a 7' tall hulking horse faced huge assed avatar to what you see now :)
I also met some really nice people who had Pro accounts but were not using the 512 sq meter tier free allocation of land. We exchanged favors and I ended up with 2048 sq meters of rent free land for a year! I setup a photo studio and art gallery there and started focusing on photographic arts in Second Life. The results of these efforts is what you mostly see in this blog. I purchased a printing press with which I made several photo books for sale in my gallery and on the Second Life Marketplace. I also use the press to produce model & product portfolios, Mall and club brochures, and graphic novels.
More recently I created a line of artificially intelligent chat robots that can query Wikipedia, provide answers from Wolfram Alpha, chat, greet new arrivals, deliver notecards and landmarks, and scan the area. They are available in my Second Life Marketplace store.
I'm still learning a lot every day in Second Life and meeting new friends and having a great time. Revealing and developing an appreciation of Truth & Beauty is my top priority. Well, that and having fun :)
I used to change my profile frequently. You can read a few profile entries I have used. Look me up - new friends make my day.
Missy Restless